Africa Blog

The Ride to Half a Million Miles

Zebras at Breakfast

My ride out of Swaziland was very nice and enjoyable.  As I headed for the  border and lower lands the temperatures got warmer (not for long).  It looked like this lower valley of the country was mostly used for growing sugar cane.   Much like Mexico's tropical east coast,  I was dodging and passing sugar cane trucks and farm trackers most of the way.

    I exited Swaziland in about 5 minuets and was stamped in to South Africa just as fast.  I believe my last African border stamp for a while here on the African continent.  

   As I rolled down the country and closer to the sea I could feel the winds picking up and they had a sharp coldness to them.  Another cold front was in the distance.  Here too it was field and field of sugar cane.

   I could see the rain clouds in the distance.  I had my GPS set to take me into Durban but I started to have doubts that I could make it before night and now I could smell the rains in the air.

   After a fuel stop the next exit was for a small beach town of Mtunzini.   I thought rooms would be easy to find here as every beach town has to have plenty of hotels. 

    I did find one on the main drag of the town.  Typical beach town with many tourist shop and surfers walking the streets.

    The following morning as I sat by the large windows watching he all the leaves blown on to the hotel's lawn from the storm from the night before I see 3 zebras walking down  the street.  Not running or scared, just as clam as could be.  As one of the other customers put it,  Only in Africa!