Today would be an easy ride. Since I didn't make Durban the night before I wanted to take my time and see some of the city and surrounding areas. I heard so many great things about Durban, and it did live up to all the hype. Much like Cape Town, It had fantastic beach front area. One of the things I find fascinating in the water front is the architecture of the buildings. Very art deco very sixties but, with great up keep. It not as if the buildings look old and falling apart. The have a very different yet stylish look to them.
I made my way to the city center and pulled along the board walk, found a nice restaurant with the perfect view of the beach and watch people walk by
After a good lunch I jumped back on the bike and headed towards one of the last World Cup stadiums, it too had some great architectural lines. I found my way to one of the more well to do areas around Durban. Umhlanga was the suburb with very pricey hotels along the water front. By now the day was passing so I found myself an affordable hotel room in this swanky part of town. As I wondered around I was told that a must visit or must do was to have a drink at the Oyster Bay Hotel as it had one of the best views of the city.
I got to the hotel just before sunset and walked to the hotels restaurant's but no one was sitting out on the hotel's patio as it was getting cold again. But what I did to was have a seat inside and the pre dinner or tea hour buffet was out. It had a few finger foods and plenty of pastries. I had a slice of German chocolate cake, then when back for a red velvet cake, and finally some Belgium chocolate cups. By now I was so high on sugar but it was an experience worth the trouble!!