Once I realized that it was time to return back to the USA I had a difficult time accepting it. I had been traveling a few days short of 5 months. It seemed like it had only been a couple of weeks. I have seen many amazing things and my hunger to experience, explore, and learn even more has only grown.
I made arrangements to drop off the GS at the Argentine Export Terminal. Even hiring a shipping company to take care of sending your bike you still have to go through this terminal for packaging. Customs and the airline company have to approve the package. The process was fairly easy. There are a few regulations that the airline had that I had to prepare for such as removing all the fuel, removing the battery, and deflating the tires. The good thing was that I did not have to break the GS down. This was good because I wanted to ride the GS home once I landed in the USA.
The issue I encountered was that I got a price quote by weight from the airline company. Once the GS was prepared and I was ready to pay, the amount had gone up from the quoted price. It was a lot more. The agent gave me some bullshit story of volume. So at the end you pay in CASH only.
The cool part was that the GS would arrive at the airport a couple of hours after I landed in Miami Florida.
Strapping and prepping the bike. I was able to oversee and secure the bike myself.