For many years I have been dreaming of, and planning and saving for traveling through Mexico, Central America, and South America on my motorcycle. Today my journey finally starts!!
As I departed from my hometown of Dilley, Texas the starting mileage on my trusty 1995 BMW R1100GS (GS) was 429,314 miles. Dilley is located 80 miles north of the Texas – Mexico border.
The Rio Grande divides the United States and Mexico. Immediately upon crossing that river you become aware that you have entered a different world. I am always astonished by how different the world is on the other side of the Rio Grande. From this point south to the tip of South America the world will be much the same in language, culture, etc. – It Is Latin America.
The weather was mixed, cold rain with strong winds in the south of Texas. The temperature got hot when crossing the Monterrey, Mexico area. I ended my day in Galeana, Mexico, which is located in the cooler temperatures in the mountainous area south of Monterrey.
I met Francisco who was traveling to Mexico City on his motorcycle. He had started his motorcycle trip in New York State.
The starting mileage on my motorcycle 429314