South America Blog

   This is the journey I have always dreamed of,  to ride my motorcycle across the Americas. 

   Follow me as I travel south from Texas to the tip of South America on my BMW GS.   

    Here's a view of the Maps

New Chapters

     After  17 years of working for Rhine West Inc.  I was told that the motorcycle side of the business was coming to a close.  The simplest explanation was that the company wants to concentrate on BMW Autos.  I was given the option to stay on as a car tech but,  I had to pass on the offer.  For those who know me its the BMW motorcycle that is my passion.   It was a bit of a surprise given the timing of a Mexico trip coming up and the even bigger trip to South America.

 Being a believer  that everything happens for a reason I know that things will work out for me.

     I would like to Thank All my customers who have been a great support to me.  It gives me a great feeling knowing that  you stood with me and that I have made the right decision.

  Thank you for the encouragement.